S OrangeRoses: Florals and Jean Jackets

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Florals and Jean Jackets

       Today's outfit is more colorful than the last by far! I wasn't completely sure what I wanted to wear today, so when that happens I usually throw on a dress. A jean jacket is one of my favorite things to wear with an outfit because you can always layer with it and they go with most everything, it is for sure a staple piece . This dress is more of a baby doll type of dress and I love it because it's not form fitting and it's beautiful on a hot day like this.

   Dress: Thrifted
   Denim Jacket: Not sure
   Boots: Jcpenney

1 comment :

  1. Cute! I always wished that I could pull of a jean jacket but it's something I'm much better off admiring on others than actually hanging in my closet.

    xo, Rebecca


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